
Dr Anne Davies


Consultant Geriatrician

Following graduation at Queenโ€™s University Belfast, Dr Davies trained widely in general medicine in major teaching hospitals in Northern Ireland and London.

On completion of Registrar training at Guyโ€™s and Lewisham Hospitals she was appointed as a Senior Registrar in the Department of Health Services for Elderly People in the Royal Free Hospital.   During this time she conducted neurological research into conditions affecting older people including swallowing disorders, language disorders and imbalance, working with Professor Chris Mathias at St Maryโ€™s Hospital Autonomic unit and Professor Adolfo Bronstein at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery.  She subsequently completed a doctorate in neurological normality in older people in 2007.

In 1997 Dr Davies was appointed as a Consultant at the Royal Free Hospital where, in the first year, she established a Falls clinic, using her background of cardiological, neurological and vestibular training.   The clinic offered a multidisciplinary service to patients with complex medical conditions contributing to the falls and was successful in reducing falls and improving confidence.

Dr Davies continues to lead the Falls service, focusing both on reducing inpatient falls and leading the outpatient service, including a tilt table as part of investigation into blackouts.  She heads the national audit of inpatient falls across the Royal Free, Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals.  She also works closely with the Emergency Department to optimize the medical care of older patients.

She provides senior clinical advice to the Care Quality Commission, the Health Ombudsman and to legal experts.

One of her current projects involves collaboration with Public Health to improve prevention of falls, both in those who have never fallen, and those who have already fallen, through education of clinical staff and patients, particularly around adequate exercise provision, which is known to be a particularly effective intervention.   A further project aims to increase the variety and acceptability of falls preventative exercise through collaboration with Aesop, an arts enterprise with a social purpose.  Currently available exercise treatment offered by the NHS is too short to be effective and compliance is poor.  Aesop, through Dance to Health, offers effective, enjoyable exercise embedded in dance which can continue indefinitely and offers additional proven social and emotional benefits.  Dr Davies is working to establish this service in London.

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Hospital Locations

Royal Free Hospital

Year qualified


Country of qualification


Languages spoken



  • Geriatric Medicine


  • Royal College of Physicians
  • British Geriatrics Society

Procedures offered

  • Tilt table testing, physical manoeuvres for vertigo

Clinical interests

  • Falls prevention, investigation and treatment of dizziness and blackouts

Special interests

  • Health Service for the Elderly People,
  • Falls prevention and bone health, treatment of Vertigo

Research interests

  • Susceptibility of older people to falls

Dr Anne Davies, Consultant Geriatrician is available to be seen for consultations at Royal Free Hospital