
Mr Jason Constantinou


Consultant Vascular And Endovascular Surgeon

Jason Constantinou is a consultant vascular surgeon who trained in London. He specialises in both open surgical and endovascular techniques (keyhole) to treat a wide range of vascular problems including aortic aneurysms, varicose veins, blocked arteries in the leg, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), leg ulcers and carotid disease (to prevent strokes).

His research interests include endovascular stenting of aortic aneurysms and he has presented and published widely in this field.

Hospital Locations

Royal Free Hospital, Hadley Wood Hospital

Year qualified


Country of qualification


Languages spoken



  • Vascular Surgery


  • Royal College of Surgeons of England
  • Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
  • British Society of Endovascular Therapy

Procedures offered

Aortic aneurysm surgery (open, endovascular and complex endovascular) Carotid endarterectomy Venous disease management:

  • Varicose vein surgery: Endovenous laser therapy (EVLT), VNUS closure procedure, sclerotherapy)
Venous leg ulcer treatment including bandaging Deep vein thrombosis management (including endovenous procedures) Peripheral vascular disease including diabetic foot management (angioplasty, stenting, bypass surgery, amputations and wound management)

Clinical interests

  • Management of Diabetic foot disease
  • Aneurysmal disease

Research interests

His research interests include endovascular stenting of aortic aneurysms Mr Constantinou has presented and published widely in this field.

Mr Jason Constantinou, Consultant Vascular And Endovascular Surgeon is available to be seen for consultations at Royal Free Hospital and Hadley Wood Hospital