60 Seconds with Layla Kelly
NHS PPU Assistant Business Operations Manager
What does your role in PPU entail?
Hopefully making sure the service runs smoothly, that PPU has access to the relevant support services to deliver an exceptional service to patients, to ensure all patients (and staff) feel welcomed, appreciated and patient experience is second to none, to support the post covid recovery programme and be part of making PPU successful and lots more!
What do you enjoy about being an operations manager?
No two days are the same, meeting new people, different personalities, learning new things, thinking on my feet, problem solving and working under pressure!
You also worked as a RFL assistant operations manager for vascular surgery, tell us a little more about that role?
This role was challenging and exciting, I loved working as part of the vascular team, the surgeons are wonderful, kind and engaged. Together we faced many challenges, particularly during covid where clinical staff were supporting ITU. We managed to significantly reduce the RTT waiting list by introducing new ways of working and treating patients away from Royal Free Hampstead site to support long waiting patients to be treated without running the risk of cancellation due to emergency work. We were also one of the first teams to go live with Healthroster. I was able to spend time in theatre with the clinical team and watched a live carotid artery repair, an amazing experience.
What are the most significant challenges of your role?
Staying balanced under pressure particularly when the team is facing challenges, negotiating and influencing others in time of change.
What motivates you in your job? And how do you motivate others in your team?
People motivate me, patient care motivates me, learning new things and enabling others to learn new things and develop, mentoring and coaching, exploring new ideas, listening to others, teamwork, understanding that each one of us has different strengths and are all unique.
What do you do to relax or unwind after a busy day at work?
Put my pyjamas on!
If you were transported to another place today, where would it be?
Heaven, to spend a day with all those I love that are no longer here.