Nutrition and heart health


Our private Nutrition and heart health services are provided at the Hadley Wood Hospital, High Barnet.

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Cardiovascular disease, which includes coronary heart disease and stroke, is extremely common in men and women in UK. Lifestyle factors – including diet and nutrition – are known to play a significant role.

The role of a healthy balanced diet in maintaining a healthy heart

There’s a very strong evidence-base supporting the role of a healthy balanced diet in maintaining a healthy heart. Alongside medication where required, dietary factors are also key in managing common conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes, which are known to increase the risk of conditions like heart disease and stroke.

While balance is always the golden rule in a healthy diet, there are specific nutrients and minerals known to have particular benefits in supporting heart health. Other factors, such as regulating salt intake and maintaining a healthy weight, can also be key.

At Hadley Wood, we understand that knowing where to start with healthy eating can seem overwhelming at times. You’re not alone – and our dietitian is here to help.

Whether you have already been diagnosed with high blood pressure or high cholesterol, or if you have a family history of cardiovascular disease and are keen to help minimise your own risk, through one-on-one consultations we can offer advice and guidance tailored to best suit your individual needs.

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